July 18, 2018: Please note that due to privacy restrictions, we opt not to upload the city and state information on our database. We have sent an email to our members asking them to update the restriction based on their preferences and the information they opt to share. Thank you.
Name | Credentials | Affiliation | City, State | MS Certified Specialist? | IOMSRT Member? |
ELIZABETH C WADDELL | PT, DPT, MSCS | Kinetic Institute Physical Therapy | , | Yes | Yes |
Joanne Wagner | PhD, PT | Greenwich Biosciences | , | No | Yes |
Monica A Wainio | PT, MSCS | Fairview Medical Center | , | Yes | Yes |
Renee S Walker | MPA, PA-C, MSCS | Multiple Sclerosis Center of Tidewater | , | Yes | No |
Bryan D Walker | PA-C | , | No | No | |
Kimberly D Walker | SLP, MSCS | University of Calgary MS Clinic | , | Yes | No |
Christine M. Wallace | MS OTR | , | Yes | No | |
Jay M. Waller | , | Yes | No | ||
Rachel M Walsh | CRND, MSCS | UT Health Science Center San Antonio | , | Yes | No |
RUCHI J WANCHOO | MD | , | Yes | No | |
Thanh Hien Thi Wang | PharmD, CSP, MSCS | Legacy Neurology | , | Yes | No |
Samuel Wentworth Ward | MSCS | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | , | Yes | No |
Alexandra J Warden-Michl | DPT | , | Yes | No | |
Teresa Hemphill Ware | PT, NCS | , | Yes | No | |
Sarah Wargo | DPT, MSCS | , | Yes | Yes | |
Tina Warring | MPT | Central Texas Neurology Consultants, PA | Round Rock, Texas | No | Yes |
Isobel Washington | Sunshine Hospital | , | No | Yes | |
Marcy M Watson | MSCS | , | Yes | No | |
Julie Wawryzniak | PharmD, MSCS | Rochester Multiple Sclerosis Center | , | Yes | No |
Michele Marie Weaver | PT, DPT | Spectrum Health | Grand Rapids, MI | No | Yes |
Deborah S. Weiss | PT | Neurology Institute of SA | , | Yes | Yes |
Rachel Marie Welch | PT, MSCS | , | Yes | No | |
Ronda Melyn Wenzel | Pharmacist | , | Yes | No | |
Jeryl E Werner | COTA/L, BBA, MSCS, CHWC | Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital MS Wellness Program | Allentown, PA | Yes | Yes |
Trent E. West | , | Yes | No | ||
Jennifer M West | PT, MPT, MBA, MSCS | Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network | , | Yes | Yes |
Brian Donald Wheeler | DPT, MSCS | 810 MS Specialty Center | , | Yes | Yes |
KAREN M WHITE | Physical therapist | , | Yes | No | |
Sarah Kaye Whiteman | PharmD, RPH, MSCS | , | Yes | No | |
Sarah Lynn Whiteside | M.P.T. | , | Yes | No |