- Whitaker Platform Presentations
- Welcome and Introduction ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- A Model for Examining Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Cole Libner, BSc
- Does 4 Weeks of Cognitive Rehabilitation Improve Processing Speed and Working Memory in MS? Results of Mindfulness Training Vs. Adaptive Computerized Training ¦ Heena Manglani, MA
- Dysfunctional RNA Binding Protein Biology as Contributors to the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease of the Central Nervous System ¦ Hannah Salapa, BS
- Interferon Signature and Regulation in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Effects of Sc IFN-Beta-1a ¦ Xuan Feng, PhD
- Q&A, Closing ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- Access to Care
- Practice Management ¦ Edward J. Fox, MD, PhD
- Quality Measures and Outcomes ¦ Sarah Benish, MD
- Debate: Community-based Centers vs. Hospital-based Centers ¦ Edward J. Fox, MD, PhD; John Corboy, MD
- Q&A ¦ Panel
Comprehensive Care
- Essential Topics in Caring for Persons with Progressive MS
- Managing Difficult Conversations ¦ Marijean Buhse, PhD, MP-C, MSCN
- Applying Primary Palliative Care to Those with Advanced MS ¦ Rachael Stacom, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN
- Empowering Persons with MS: Planning for Future Needs ¦ Patti Nelson Reade, RN, Esq. CELA
- Panel Discussion
- Caring for Women Across the Reproductive Lifespan
- Welcome and Overview ¦ Riley Bove, MD
- Counseling Women about Contraception and the Menstrual Cycle ¦ Riley Bove, MD
- Pregnancy and MS: Safely Navigating Childbearing, from Pre-pregnancy Planning to the Post-partum Period ¦ Maria Houtchens, MD, MMsci
- Menopause: A Time of Changes and an Opportunity to Re-evaluate Comprehensive Wellness and Care ¦ Riley Bove, MD
- Healthy Aging Beyond the Menopause: Tackling “Below the Belt” Function and Other Aspects of Wellness ¦ Tamara Kaplan, MD
- An MS Health Professional’s Guide to Cannabis Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
- History, Botany, Pharmacology
- Efficacy and Safety
- Drug Interactions and Special Considerations
- The Critical Role of MS Health Professionals
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 1)
- History of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Randall T. Schapiro, MD, FAAN
- The Natural History of MS (Epidemiology, Immunology, Pathophysiology, Phenotypes) ¦ Bruce Cohen, MD
- Making the Diagnosis: Disease Mimics, Use of Paraclinical Tools ¦ Derrick Robertson, MD
- Primary Progressive MS: Diagnosis, Clinical Course, and Long-term Management ¦ Patricia K. Coyle, MD
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
- RRMS: Current Treatment Options, Considerations in Choosing Treatment, Acute Relapse Management ¦ John Rinker, MD
- Identifying and Managing Mood Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Women’s Issues in MS: Pregnancy, Menopause, Sexual Function ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- Integrative Medicine in the Comprehensive Care Model of MS ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN
- Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS
- Introduction to Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS ¦ Kevin Alschuler, PhD
- Management of the MS Patient with Chronic Pain ¦ Brett R. Stacey, MD
- Is There a Role for Opioids in MS Pain Management? A Case-Based Discussion ¦ Pamela Stitzlein Davies, MS, ARNP, FAANP
- Physical Activity and Chronic Pain in MS ¦ Robert W. Motl, PhD
- Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain ¦ Dawn M. Ehde, PhD
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- The Importance of Community Based Programs to Enhance Comprehensive MS Care
- Welcome and Introduction of Speakers ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Community-Based Wellness Models for Chronic Disease ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Building MS Communities, Expanding the Continuum of Care ¦ James Bowen, MD
- A Community Based Yoga Program for People with MS: The Power of Connection ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-c, MSCN
- The Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Center: A Day Program Model for People with MS ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Palliative Care in MS
- Introduction ¦ Sarah Morrow, MD, MS, FRCPC
- Description of the Consensus Conference-November 2018 ¦ Lori Mayer, DNP, MSN, RN, MSCN
- Models of Palliative Care ¦ Rachel Stacom, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN
- Clinical Experience Using the Palliative Care Model ¦ Benzi Kluger, MD, MS, FAAN
- Case Studies with Learner Participation ¦ Panel
- Update on Pediatric MS and Related Disorders
- Overview: Changing Landscape in MS and Neuroinflammatory Disorders in Youth ¦ Giulia Longoni, MD
- Do Lifestyle and Environment Make a Difference in Pediatric MS? ¦ Ann Yeh, MD
- Therapies for Pediatric MS ¦ Jennifer Graves, MD, PhD, MAS
- Transitional Issues in Youth with MS ¦ Jennifer Boyd, RN, MHSc, MSCN
- Integrative Medicine: An Essential But Neglected Component of Comprehensive MS Care
- Introduction, Relevance to Comprehensive Care, Science and Clinical Application, Research Update ¦ Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
- Calorie-Restriction and Other Dietary Modification Strategies for MS Course ¦ Kathryn Fitzgerald, ScD, ScM
- Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy ¦ Victor Mark, MD
- Can High Intensity Training in MS Further Optimize Exercise Therapy Outcome? ¦ Charly Keytsman, PhD
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019 (Part 3)
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Symptom Management ¦ Beverly Layton, RN, BSN, CCRC, MSCN
- Pearls from Advanced Practice: Disease Modifying Therapies ¦ Marie Moore, MSN, FNP, MSCN
- Emerging Role of Pharmacists in MS Centers ¦ Brittany Denson, PharmD
- Current Options in Comprehensive Fatigue Management ¦ Patricia Pagnotta, ANP-C, MSCN
- Symptoms Below the Belt: Strategies in the Management of Elimination and Sexual Dysfunction ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSN, MSCN
- Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
- The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
- Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
- The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
- Q&A
- Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
- The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
- Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
- DXA01 Inroads: A Phase 3 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of ADS-5102 (Amantadine) Extended Release Capsules in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients with Walking Impairment ¦ Michelle Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
- DXA02 Sleep Quality and Physical Activity in Youth with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stephanie Grover, MSc, CCRP
- DXA03 Relevance of Timing of Mog Serum Testing: Does Positivity Always Signal Recurrence? ¦ Giulia Longoni, MD
- DXA04 Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia or Brief Sleep Education on Insomnia Symptoms, Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stacy Coffyn, SPT
- DXA05 Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep Quality in Adults with Multiple Sclerosis across the Lifespan ¦ Katie Cederberg, MS
- DXA06 The Economic Impact of Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Look at the North American Registry for Care and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (NARCRMS) (on behalf of the NARCRMS HEOR Advisory Group) ¦ Kottil Rammohan, MD
- Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS
- Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS ¦ Gloria von Geldern, MD
- Encouraging Wellness Behaviors and Integrating Wellness into Neurologic Care ¦ Annette Wundes, MD
- Guiding Patients through the Complex World of MS Care ¦ Debra Cramer, RN
- Physiatry and Rehabilitation Therapy Interventions to Promote Wellness ¦ Gloria Hou, MD
- Promoting Wellness through Education, Employment, and Volunteering ¦ Joe Stuckey, MS, CRC
- Promoting Wellness Behaviors through Health Behavior Change Interventions ¦ Samantha Artherholt, PhD
- Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
- Introduction ¦ Jodie K. Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Using Clinical Data to Build Predictive and Explanatory Models of Treatment Adherence ¦ Elizabeth S. Gromisch, PhD
- Psychological Considerations in Suboptimal DMT Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP
- Using Motivational Interviewing and Telehealth to Improve Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP; Alicia Sloan, MPH, MSW
- Implementing Strategies into a Clinical Setting ¦ Panel
- Sex and MS: How to Help Patients with MS Who Experience Sexual DysfunctionKimberly Castelo, MS, LMFT, CST
Disease Management
- Psychopharmacology and MS: Review and Update for Clinicians
- Psychopharmacology Overview: Classification, Indications, Mechanism of Action, and Common Adverse Effects of Psychopharmacological Agents ¦ Jane Erb, MD
- Use of Psychotropics in MS: Antidepressants, Antianxiety Agents, Mood Stabilizers, Antipsychotics, Cognitive Enhancers, and Cannabis ¦ Laura Safar, MD
- Psychotropics Algorithm Selection Based on Clinical Scenario – Clinical Vignettes Discussion with Audience Participation ¦ Panel
- Presidential Lecture: Use and Abuse of the McDonald Criteria in MS DiagnosisFred D. Lublin, MD
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 1)
- History of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Randall T. Schapiro, MD, FAAN
- The Natural History of MS (Epidemiology, Immunology, Pathophysiology, Phenotypes) ¦ Bruce Cohen, MD
- Making the Diagnosis: Disease Mimics, Use of Paraclinical Tools ¦ Derrick Robertson, MD
- Primary Progressive MS: Diagnosis, Clinical Course, and Long-term Management ¦ Patricia K. Coyle, MD
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
- RRMS: Current Treatment Options, Considerations in Choosing Treatment, Acute Relapse Management ¦ John Rinker, MD
- Identifying and Managing Mood Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Women’s Issues in MS: Pregnancy, Menopause, Sexual Function ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- Integrative Medicine in the Comprehensive Care Model of MS ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN
- Update on Pediatric MS and Related Disorders
- Overview: Changing Landscape in MS and Neuroinflammatory Disorders in Youth ¦ Giulia Longoni, MD
- Do Lifestyle and Environment Make a Difference in Pediatric MS? ¦ Ann Yeh, MD
- Therapies for Pediatric MS ¦ Jennifer Graves, MD, PhD, MAS
- Transitional Issues in Youth with MS ¦ Jennifer Boyd, RN, MHSc, MSCN
- Practical Considerations in Relapse Management and Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) Decision MakingBryan Walker, MHS, PA-C, MSCS; Stephanie Agrella, PhDc, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, MSCN
- Basic Immunology for the Non-immunologist
- How Does the Immune System Protect Us? ¦ Lisa Fox, PA
- What Causes CNS Inflammation in MS? ¦ Scott D. Newsome, DO, MSCN, FAAN
- How Do the Current DMTs Affect the Altered Immune Response in MS? ¦ Scott D. Newsome, DO, MSCN, FAAN
- Advanced Immunology for the Non-immunologist
- The Innate Immune System: An Emerging Target in MS ¦ Michael Kornberg, MD, PhD
- The Innate Immune System: Effect of MS Disease Modifying Therapies ¦ Robert J. Fox, MD
- Q&A
- Platform Presentations: Disease Modifying Therapy
- DXM01: Efficacy and Safety of Alemtuzumab in Patients of African Descent in CARE-MS I and II: 8-Year Follow-up (TOPAZ Study) ¦ Annette Okai, MD
- DXM02: Treatment Patterns of Disease-Modifying Therapy Among Pediatric Patients with Multiple Sclerosis in the United States ¦ Chinmay Deshpande, PhD
- DXM03: Changes in the Immune Cell Profile, Clinical and Safety Outcomes in Fingolimod-Treated Patients with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: Interim Results of the FLUENT Study ¦ Yang Mao-Draayer, MD, PhD
- DXM04: Real-World Efficacy of Delayed-Release Dimethyl Fumarate in Black or African American Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: 24-Month Interim Results from ESTEEM ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- DXM05: The Effects of Cladribine Tablets on Reduction in MRI Lesions Are Consistent across Subgroups in the ORACLE-MS ¦ Study Thomas Leist, MD
- DXM06: Efficacy and Safety of the Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Evobrutinib (M2951) in Patients with Relapsing MS over 48 Weeks: A Phase II Study ¦ Jerry Wolinsky, MD (This speaker has opted not to publish this presentation.)
- Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
- DXA01 Inroads: A Phase 3 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of ADS-5102 (Amantadine) Extended Release Capsules in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients with Walking Impairment ¦ Michelle Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
- DXA02 Sleep Quality and Physical Activity in Youth with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stephanie Grover, MSc, CCRP
- DXA03 Relevance of Timing of Mog Serum Testing: Does Positivity Always Signal Recurrence? ¦ Giulia Longoni, MD
- DXA04 Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia or Brief Sleep Education on Insomnia Symptoms, Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stacy Coffyn, SPT
- DXA05 Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep Quality in Adults with Multiple Sclerosis across the Lifespan ¦ Katie Cederberg, MS
- DXA06 The Economic Impact of Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Look at the North American Registry for Care and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (NARCRMS) (on behalf of the NARCRMS HEOR Advisory Group) ¦ Kottil Rammohan, MD
- Beyond the PI: Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs), Monitoring and Management
- Precision Medicine and Applied Pharmacology for Anti-Depressants, Anti-Psychotics to Assist in Drug Selection and Monitoring to Avert Comorbidities in Patients with MS ¦ Rebecca Barnhart, PharmD, BCPP
- Anatomy of Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Drug Interaction Implications ¦ Felecia Hart, PharmD, MSCS
Neuroscience / Environmental Factors
- John F. Kurtzke Memorial Lecture: A Novel Subtype of Multiple SclerosisBruce D. Trapp, PhD
- Whitaker Platform Presentations
- Welcome and Introduction ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- A Model for Examining Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Cole Libner, BSc
- Does 4 Weeks of Cognitive Rehabilitation Improve Processing Speed and Working Memory in MS? Results of Mindfulness Training Vs. Adaptive Computerized Training ¦ Heena Manglani, MA
- Dysfunctional RNA Binding Protein Biology ss Contributors to the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease of the Central Nervous System ¦ Hannah Salapa, BS
- Interferon Signature and Regulation in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Effects of Sc IFN-Beta-1a ¦ Xuan Feng, PhD
- Q&A, Closing ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- Mechanisms of Disease Pathogenesis in MS
- Control of Immunopathology in CNS Autoimmunity ¦ Thomas Korn, MD, PhD
- Regulation of Autoimmune CNS Disease by IL-17 ¦ Rachel R. Caspi, PhD
- Environmental Regulation of Astrocyte Pathogenic Activities ¦ Francisco J. Quintana, PhD
- MS: An Immune Miscommunication Disease? ¦ Burkhard Becher, PhD
- Distinct Roles for CD8 T Lymphocytes in Central Nervous System Autoimmunity ¦ Joan Goverman, PhD
- How Do B Cell Directed Therapies Impact MS? ¦ Jennifer Gommerman, PhD
- How IL-1 Regulates CNS Inflammation ¦ Ari Waisman, PhD
- Presidential Lecture: Use and Abuse of the McDonald Criteria in MS DiagnosisFred D. Lublin, MD
- Understanding the Mechanism of Action of B-cell Depleting Drugs: What Does that Reveal about the Role of B-cells in MS?
- Introduction ¦ Gregory Wu, PhD
- The Role of B Cell Antigen Presentation in EAE and MS ¦ Gregory Wu, PhD
- B cell Responses of Adult and Pediatric Transverse Myelitis ¦ Nancy Monson, PhD
- Disease Modifying Therapies Reveal Inflammatory and Anti-inflammatory Functions of B-cells in MS ¦ Robert Axtell, PhD
- Mechanisms of Action of Ocrelizumab in MS ¦ Anne Cross, MD
- Wrap-up ¦ Anne Cross, MD
- Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders: Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management
- Overview ¦ Brian Weinshenker, MD
- Diagnosis
- Limited Syndromes: Myelitis, Optic Neuritis, Single and Recurrent ¦ Dean Wingerchuk, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
- Brain Syndromes in NMOSD ¦ Marcelo Matiello, MD
- Overlap of MS and NMO ¦ Anu Jacob, MD
- NMO “Mimics” ¦ Anu Jacob, MD
- Comorbidities: Autoimmunity (non-CNS, CNS) ¦ Brian Weinshenker, MD
- Paraneoplastic NMOSD ¦ Marcelo Matiello, MD
- Serologic Diagnosis
- False Positive ¦ Marcelo Matiello, MD
- False Negative (including MOG) ¦ Anu Jacob, MD
- Management
- Relapse Management: Consensus and Controversies ¦ Marcelo Matiello, MD
- Indication for and Initial Treatment Choices for Long Term Therapy: Consensus and Controversies ¦ Anu Jacob, MD
- Aggressive Disease/Treatment Failure ¦ Dean Wingerchuk, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
- Pregnancy ¦ Brian Weinshenker, MD
- Onset in Pregnancy/Relapse in Pregnancy
- Maintenance Treatment: Planned and “Unplanned” Pregnancy
- Stopping Therapy ¦ Dean Wingerchuk, MD, MSc, FRCP(C)
- Conclusion Brian Weinshenker, MD
- The Future of MS Imaging
- Welcome and Goals: Presenting the NAIMS Cooperative ¦ Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD
- Role of Advancing Imaging in Diagnosing (and Not Misdiagnosing) MS ¦ Andrew Solomon, MD
- Stretch ¦ Daniel Reich, MD, PhD
- Role of Advanced Imaging in Predicting and Tracking MS Course ¦ Jiwon Oh, MD, PhD, FRCPC
- Role of Advanced Imaging in Unraveling MS Pathophysiology ¦ Pascal Sati, PhD
- Discussion and Wrap-up
- John Whitaker Memorial Lecture: Therapeutic Exploitation of Crosstalk Between the Immune and Nervous SystemsFrauke Zipp, MD
- Whitaker Track Invited Lectures
- Welcome and Introduction ¦ Michael K. Racke, MD
- The Role of Stress Granules and RNA Binding Protein Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of Neurodegeneration in MS ¦ Michael Levin, MD, FRCPC, FAAN, FANA
- Serum Neurofilament Light Chain: The Neurologist‘s C-reactive Protein? Can We Rely on Serum NfL in the Future? ¦ Jens Kuhle, MD, PhD
- Disability-specific and Sex-specific Approach to Neuroprotection in MS ¦ Rhonda Voskuhl, MD
- Q&A, Closing ¦ Michael K. Racke, MD
- Genetic Risk
- Introduction and Objectives ¦ Sergio E. Baranzini, PhD
- Genetic Susceptibility in MS ¦ Stephen Sawcer, MD, PhD
- From Genes to Pathways: How Common Variants in DNA Can Result in MS Risk ¦ Sergio E. Baranzini, PhD
- The Role of Rare DNA Variants in MS Susceptibility ¦ Chris Cotsapas, PhD
- MS Genetics in Non-Europeans ¦ Jacob McCauley, PhD
- Basic Immunology for the Non-immunologist
- How Does the Immune System Protect Us? ¦ Lisa Fox, PA
- What Causes CNS Inflammation in MS? ¦ Scott D. Newsome, DO, MSCN, FAAN
- How Do the Current DMTs Affect the Altered Immune Response in MS? ¦ Scott D. Newsome, DO, MSCN, FAAN
- Advanced Immunology for the Non-immunologist
- The Innate Immune System: An Emerging Target in MS ¦ Michael Kornberg, MD, PhD
- The Innate Immune System: Effect of MS Disease Modifying Therapies ¦ Robert J. Fox, MD
- Q&A
- Challenges and Considerations with Infusible TherapiesAll Presentations
- Introduction ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Pre-infusion Preparation ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS
- Infusions and Maintenance of Therapies ¦ Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Case Studies ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
- Introduction ¦ Jodie K. Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Using Clinical Data to Build Predictive and Explanatory Models of Treatment Adherence ¦ Elizabeth S. Gromisch, PhD
- Psychological Considerations in Suboptimal DMT Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP
- Using Motivational Interviewing and Telehealth to Improve Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP; Alicia Sloan, MPH, MSW
- Implementing Strategies into a Clinical Setting ¦ Panel
- Update on Communication Skills: Using New Tools in Conversations with Patients
- Course Overview ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSCN
- Communication: The CPR of Healthcare ¦ E. Mary Johnson, RN, BSN, NE-BC
- Shared Decision Making: Patient Centered Health Care ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSCN; Ellen Reardon, RN, MSN
- Panel Discussion ¦ Panel
Psychosocial: Cognition, Depression
- Managing Fatigue and Sleep Disorders in People with MSAll Presentations
- Invisible Symptoms: Prevalence Statistics of Fatigue and Sleep Disorders in MS ¦ Amy Sullivan, PsyD, ABPP
- Modifying Empirically Validated Sleep Interventions for the MS Population ¦ Michelle Drerup, PsyD, DBSM
- Research and Outcome Data on Treatment of Insomnia in the MS Population ¦ Catherine Siengsukon, PT, PhD
- Ask the Experts ¦ Panel
- Whitaker Platform Presentations
- Welcome and Introduction ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- A Model for Examining Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Cole Libner, BSc
- Does 4 Weeks of Cognitive Rehabilitation Improve Processing Speed and Working Memory in MS? Results of Mindfulness Training Vs. Adaptive Computerized Training ¦ Heena Manglani, MA
- Dysfunctional RNA Binding Protein Biology as Contributors to the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease of the Central Nervous System ¦ Hannah Salapa, BS
- Interferon Signature and Regulation in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Effects of Sc IFN-Beta-1a ¦ Xuan Feng, PhD
- Q&A, Closing ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- Psychopharmacology and MS: Review and Update for Clinicians
- Psychopharmacology Overview: Classification, Indications, Mechanism of Action, and Common Adverse Effects of Psychopharmacological Agents ¦ Jane Erb, MD
- Use of Psychotropics in MS: Antidepressants, Antianxiety Agents, Mood Stabilizers, Antipsychotics, Cognitive Enhancers, and Cannabis ¦ Laura Safar, MD
- Psychotropics Algorithm Selection Based on Clinical Scenario – Clinical Vignettes Discussion with Audience Participation ¦ Panel
- Utilizing the Power of the Arts in MS Care: Everyone BenefitsAll Presentations
- Introduction ¦ Francois Bethoux, MD
- Medical Humanities through Arts in MS – Reflective Writing and Visual Arts ¦ Ahmed Obeidat, MD, PhD
- Use of Therapeutic Arts in an MS Clinic ¦ Lisa Gallagher, MA, MT-BC
- Evidence Supporting the Use of the Arts in the Management of MS ¦ Francois Bethoux, MD
- Musical Experience ¦ Lisa Gallagher, MA, MT-BC
- Affective Disorders and Personality Changes in MS
- Introduction ¦ Frederick W. Foley, PhD
- Epidemiology of Affective Disorders in MS: What We Know and What Gaps there are in Knowledge ¦ Scott B. Patten, MD
- MRI Correlates and Pharmacological Treatment of Affective Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Personality Traits in Relation to Cognitive Impairment and Brain MRI in MS ¦ Ralph H B Benedict, PhD, ABPP-CN
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
- RRMS: Current Treatment Options, Considerations in Choosing Treatment, Acute Relapse Management ¦ John Rinker, MD
- Identifying and Managing Mood Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Women’s Issues in MS: Pregnancy, Menopause, Sexual Function ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- Integrative Medicine in the Comprehensive Care Model of MS ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN
- Supporting and Caring For Each Other While Living with MS: The Support Partners’ PerspectiveAll Presentations
- Introductions and Orientation to Session ¦ Deborah Miller, PhD, LISW
- Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 1: Teen with MS and Mother ¦ Rosalind Kalb, PhD
- Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 2: Newly Diagnosed Couple ¦ Matthew Sacco, PhD
- Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 3: Older Couple ¦ Lucille Carriere, PhD
- Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
- The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
- Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
- The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
- Q&A
- Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
- The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
- Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Managing the Suicidal Patient in Your Clinic: Red Flags, Ethical Considerations & Emotional AftermathAll Presentations
- What We Know about Depression and Suicide in MS and their Impact on Individuals and their Families ¦ Rosalind Kalb, PhD
- Before & After: Recognizing Red Flags, Dealing with the Aftermath ¦ Mary Alissa Willis, MD
- Managing the Suicidal Patient in a Private Practice Setting: Legal and Ethical Considerations ¦ Amanda Rohrig, PT; Lauren R. Sankary, JD, MA
- Interdisciplinary Discussion of Suicide-related Challenges ¦ Panel
- Platform Presentations: Psychosocial: Cognition, Depression
- PSY01: Cognition Following Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Multiple Sclerosis: An Interim Analysis ¦ Lisa Walker, PhD
- PSY02: Contributions of the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test to Cognitive Impairment on the Brief International Cognitive Assessment for Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Abbey Hughes, PhD
- PSY03: Neurobehavioral Correlates of Hazardous Cannabis Use in Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Abbey Hughes, PhD
- PSY04: Using Connectome-Based Predictive Modeling to Derive Neuromarkers of Cognition in MS ¦ Ruchika Prakash, PhD
- PSY05: Correlates of Cognitive Performance and Perceived Cognitive Abilities Among Hispanic and Black Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Alexa Stuifbergen, RN, PhD, FAAN
- PSY06: How Anxiety and Fatigue Interact to Interfere with Processing Speed in MS ¦ Caroline Altaras, MA
- Case Studies in Cognition in MSJeffrey Wilken, PhD; Lori Ann Kostich, MS, CCC-SLP
- Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
- Introduction ¦ Jodie K. Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Using Clinical Data to Build Predictive and Explanatory Models of Treatment Adherence ¦ Elizabeth S. Gromisch, PhD
- Psychological Considerations in Suboptimal DMT Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP
- Using Motivational Interviewing and Telehealth to Improve Adherence ¦ Aaron Turner, PhD, ABPP; Alicia Sloan, MPH, MSW
- Implementing Strategies into a Clinical Setting ¦ Panel
- Sex and MS: How to Help Patients with MS Who Experience Sexual DysfunctionKimberly Castelo, MS, LMFT, CST
- Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 1)
- Neuromodulation in MS ¦ Hesham Abboud, MD, PhD
- Neuromuscular and Cardiovascular Considerations for Exercise in MS ¦ Alexander Ng, PhD, FACSM
- Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 2)
- MS Rehab Research: Turning a Burning Clinical Question into a Research Project ¦ Donna Fry, PT, PhD; Herb Karpatkin, PT, DSc, NCS, MSCS; Lori Ann Kostich, MS, CCC-SLP, MSCS
- Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 3)
- Occupational Therapy Assessment and Intervention in Multiple Sclerosis: A Behavior-based Approach ¦ Shaina Meyer, OTR/L, MSCS; Rebecca Cunningham, OTD, OTR/L
- Computer Based Rehab Outcome Measures: The Future is Now ¦ Matt Sutliff, PT, DPT, MSC
- Platform Presentations: Rehabilitation
- RHI01: Environmental Correlates of Physical Activity in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stephanie Silveira, PhD
- RHI02: Physical Activity and Walking Performance across the Lifespan in Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Jessica Baird, PhD
- RHI03: Physical and Cognitive Fatigue across the Lifespan in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Catherine Jones, MSPH
- RHI04: Psychometric Comparisons of Computer-Adaptive Test and Standard Balance and Walking Scales to Assess Functional Mobility in People with MS ¦ Hina Garg, PT, MS, PhD, NCS
- RHI05: Persons with Multiple Sclerosis with Severe Disability Exhibit Muscular Strength Asymmetries in Both Upper and Lower Extremities ¦ John Farrell III, PhD
- RHI06: Manual Dexterity and Computerized Cognitive Testing in People with Multiple Sclerosis: Motor Domain Reflects More Than Just What Is in the Hand ¦ Jared Srinivasan, BA
- New Developments in MS Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation (VA MSCoE)All Presentations
- Introduction ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Overview of Existing Telerehabilitation in MS in Current Practice ¦ Mitchell T. Wallin, MD, MPH
- Novel Applications of Telerehabilitation Technology ¦ Shane Chanpimol, PT, DPT
- Strategies to Enhance Function in MS through Rehabilitation Intensity, Duration and Timing ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Current Evidence-based Rehabilitation Interventions for Fall Prevention in MS ¦ Michele Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
- Discussion ¦ Panel
- Opening Lecture: Mountains to Climb: The Cause, Treatment and Care of MS in the Pacific NorthwestJames Bowen, MD
- Clinical Trials and Technology: What We Know, What is Coming?
- Responsibilities of the Investigator: Current Use of Electronic Data Capture ¦ Andrew Goodman, MD, FAAN, FANA
- Research Technology in the Clinic: A Learning Health Care System ¦ Kelsey Yoo, PA
- Telemedicine Techniques in Clinical Research: Current and Future Use ¦ Lee Gerwitz, MD
- Q&A ¦ Andrew Goodman, MD, FAAN, FANA
- The Evolving Research Landscape: Understanding, Designing, and Analyzing Studies in Multiple SclerosisAll Presentations
- Introduction to Clinical Research: When, Why, and How ¦ Kavita Nair, PhD
- Understanding and Interpreting Clinical Trial Design in Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Enrique Alvarez, MD, PhD
- Real World Observational Studies in Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Carrie Hersh, DO, MSc
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 2)
- MS Rehab Research: Turning a Burning Clinical Question into a Research Project ¦ Donna Fry, PT, PhD; Herb Karpatkin, PT, DSc, NCS, MSCS; Lori Ann Kostich, MS, CCC-SLP, MSCS
Skills Development
- Interventions for Success at Work: Research to Application
- Research Pertaining to Employment and MS ¦ Ralph H B Benedict, PhD, ABPP-CN
- Medical Management Supporting the Employed Individual ¦ Amy Neal, MS PA-C
- Supports Provided by Rehabilitation ¦ Lori Ann Kostich, MS, CCC-SLP, MSCS
- Accommodations to Help Manage the Work Environment ¦ Shaheen Virani, MA, CRC
- Challenges and Considerations with Infusible TherapiesAll Presentations
- Introduction ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Pre-infusion Preparation ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS
- Infusions and Maintenance of Therapies ¦ Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Case Studies ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
- Update on Communication Skills: Using New Tools in Conversations with Patients
- Course Overview ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSCN
- Communication: The CPR of Healthcare ¦ E. Mary Johnson, RN, BSN, NE-BC
- Shared Decision Making: Patient Centered Health Care ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSCN; Ellen Reardon, RN, MSN
- Panel Discussion ¦ Panel
Symptomatic Management
- Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain in MS PatientsDavid Brandes, MS, MD, FAAN, MSC
- An MS Health Professional’s Guide to Cannabis Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
- History, Botany, Pharmacology
- Efficacy and Safety
- Drug Interactions and Special Considerations
- The Critical Role of MS Health Professionals
- Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS
- Introduction to Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS ¦ Kevin Alschuler, PhD
- Management of the MS Patient with Chronic Pain ¦ Brett R. Stacey, MD
- Is There a Role for Opioids in MS Pain Management? A Case-Based Discussion ¦ Pamela Stitzlein Davies, MS, ARNP, FAANP
- Physical Activity and Chronic Pain in MS ¦ Robert W. Motl, PhD
- Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Chronic Pain ¦ Dawn M. Ehde, PhD
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
- RRMS: Current Treatment Options, Considerations in Choosing Treatment, Acute Relapse Management ¦ John Rinker, MD
- Identifying and Managing Mood Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Women’s Issues in MS: Pregnancy, Menopause, Sexual Function ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- Integrative Medicine in the Comprehensive Care Model of MS ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019 (Part 3)
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Symptom Management ¦ Beverly Layton, RN, BSN, CCRC, MSCN
- Pearls from Advanced Practice: Disease Modifying Therapies ¦ Marie Moore, MSN, FNP, MSCN
- Emerging Role of Pharmacists in MS Centers ¦ Brittany Denson, PharmD
- Current Options in Comprehensive Fatigue Management ¦ Patricia Pagnotta, ANP-C, MSCN
- Symptoms Below the Belt: Strategies in the Management of Elimination and Sexual Dysfunction ¦ Marie Namey, APRN, MSN, MSCN
- Complex Symptoms in MS: Assessment and Management Strategies
- Welcome and Overview ¦ Kathleen Costello, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN
- Balance Issues in MS ¦ Jeffrey Hebert, PhD, PT
- Spasticity and MS ¦ Susan Bennett, PT, DPT, EdD, NCS, MSCS
- Visual Disturbances ¦ Robert K. Shin, MD
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
- The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
- Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
- The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
- Q&A
- Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
- The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
- Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
- DXA01 Inroads: A Phase 3 Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of ADS-5102 (Amantadine) Extended Release Capsules in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients with Walking Impairment ¦ Michelle Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
- DXA02 Sleep Quality and Physical Activity in Youth with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stephanie Grover, MSc, CCRP
- DXA03 Relevance of Timing of Mog Serum Testing: Does Positivity Always Signal Recurrence? ¦ Giulia Longoni, MD
- DXA04 Impact of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia or Brief Sleep Education on Insomnia Symptoms, Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Stacy Coffyn, SPT
- DXA05 Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Sleep Quality in Adults with Multiple Sclerosis across the Lifespan ¦ Katie Cederberg, MS
- DXA06 The Economic Impact of Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Look at the North American Registry for Care and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (NARCRMS) (on behalf of the NARCRMS HEOR Advisory Group) ¦ Kottil Rammohan, MD
- Beyond the PI: Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs), Monitoring and Management
- Precision Medicine and Applied Pharmacology for Anti-Depressants, Anti-Psychotics to Assist in Drug Selection and Monitoring to Avert Comorbidities in Patients with MS ¦ Rebecca Barnhart, PharmD, BCPP
- Anatomy of Pharmacokinetic/ Pharmacodynamic Drug Interaction Implications ¦ Felecia Hart, PharmD, MSCS
Technological Advances
- Whitaker Platform Presentations
- Welcome and Introduction ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- A Model for Examining Novel Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Cole Libner, BSc
- Does 4 Weeks of Cognitive Rehabilitation Improve Processing Speed and Working Memory in MS? Results of Mindfulness Training Vs. Adaptive Computerized Training ¦ Heena Manglani, MA
- Dysfunctional RNA Binding Protein Biology as Contributors to the Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Disease of the Central Nervous System ¦ Hannah Salapa, BS
- Interferon Signature and Regulation in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: Effects of Sc IFN-Beta-1a ¦ Xuan Feng, PhD
- Q&A, Closing ¦ Michael Racke, MD
- Clinical Trials and Technology: What We Know, What is Coming?
- Responsibilities of the Investigator: Current Use of Electronic Data Capture ¦ Andrew Goodman, MD, FAAN, FANA
- Research Technology in the Clinic: A Learning Health Care System ¦ Kelsey Yoo, PA
- Telemedicine Techniques in Clinical Research: Current and Future Use ¦ Lee Gerwitz, MD
- Q&A ¦ Andrew Goodman, MD, FAAN, FANA
- The Future of MS Imaging
- Welcome and Goals: Presenting the NAIMS Cooperative ¦ Daniel S. Reich, MD, PhD
- Role of Advancing Imaging in Diagnosing (and Not Misdiagnosing) MS ¦ Andrew Solomon, MD
- Stretch ¦ Daniel Reich, MD, PhD
- Role of Advanced Imaging in Predicting and Tracking MS Course ¦ Jiwon Oh, MD, PhD, FRCPC
- Role of Advanced Imaging in Unraveling MS Pathophysiology ¦ Pascal Sati, PhD
- Discussion and Wrap-up
- Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 3)
- Occupational Therapy Assessment and Intervention in Multiple Sclerosis: A Behavior-based Approach ¦ Shaina Meyer, OTR/L, MSCS; Rebecca Cunningham, OTD, OTR/L
- Computer Based Rehab Outcome Measures: The Future is Now ¦ Matt Sutliff, PT, DPT, MSC
- New Technology in MS
- The Brave New World of Technology ¦ Gabriel Pardo, MD, FAAN
- Digital Innovations; Reshaping How We See MS ¦ Daniel Pelletier, MD
- New Approaches to Solving Old Problems ¦ Darin Okuda, MD
- Q&A ¦ Panel
- New Developments in MS Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation (VA MSCoE)All Presentations
- Introduction ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Overview of Existing Telerehabilitation in MS in Current Practice ¦ Mitchell T. Wallin, MD, MPH
- Novel Applications of Telerehabilitation Technology ¦ Shane Chanpimol, PT, DPT
- Strategies to Enhance Function in MS through Rehabilitation Intensity, Duration and Timing ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
- Current Evidence-based Rehabilitation Interventions for Fall Prevention in MS ¦ Michele Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
- Discussion ¦ Panel
- Improving the Health and Wellness of People with Advanced MS through Community Partnerships
- Creating Partnerships for Healthier Outcomes ¦ Rachael Stacom, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN
- Building an Effective Peer Support/Mentoring Program for People Living with Multiple Sclerosis ¦ Elaine Castelluccio, PT, MPT, MSCS
- Being a Peer Mentor: The Lived Experience ¦ Cathy Kiler-McFadden
- The Importance of Community Based Programs to Enhance Comprehensive MS Care
- Welcome and Introduction of Speakers ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Community-Based Wellness Models for Chronic Disease ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Building MS Communities, Expanding the Continuum of Care ¦ James Bowen, MD
- A Community Based Yoga Program for People with MS: The Power of Connection ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-c, MSCN
- The Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Center: A Day Program Model for People with MS ¦ Brian Hutchinson, PT, MSCS
- Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
- RRMS: Current Treatment Options, Considerations in Choosing Treatment, Acute Relapse Management ¦ John Rinker, MD
- Identifying and Managing Mood Disorders in MS ¦ Anthony Feinstein, MD, PhD
- Women’s Issues in MS: Pregnancy, Menopause, Sexual Function ¦ Mitzi Joi Williams, MD
- Integrative Medicine in the Comprehensive Care Model of MS ¦ Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-C, MSCN
- Integrative Medicine: An Essential But Neglected Component of Comprehensive MS Care
- Introduction, Relevance to Comprehensive Care, Science and Clinical Application, Research Update ¦ Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
- Calorie-Restriction and Other Dietary Modification Strategies for MS Course ¦ Kathryn Fitzgerald, ScD, ScM
- Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy ¦ Victor Mark, MD
- Can High Intensity Training in MS Further Optimize Exercise Therapy Outcome? ¦ Charly Keytsman, PhD
- Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS
- Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS ¦ Gloria von Geldern, MD
- Encouraging Wellness Behaviors and Integrating Wellness into Neurologic Care ¦ Annette Wundes, MD
- Guiding Patients through the Complex World of MS Care ¦ Debra Cramer, RN
- Physiatry and Rehabilitation Therapy Interventions to Promote Wellness ¦ Gloria Hou, MD
- Promoting Wellness through Education, Employment, and Volunteering ¦ Joe Stuckey, MS, CRC
- Promoting Wellness Behaviors through Health Behavior Change Interventions ¦ Samantha Artherholt, PhD