2019 Annual Meeting Presentations



  1. Whitaker Platform Presentations
  2. Access to Care

Comprehensive Care

  1. Essential Topics in Caring for Persons with Progressive MS 
  2. Caring for Women Across the Reproductive Lifespan
  3. An MS Health Professional’s Guide to Cannabis Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
    • History, Botany, Pharmacology
    • Efficacy and Safety
    • Drug Interactions and Special Considerations
    • The Critical Role of MS Health Professionals
  4. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 1)
  5. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
  6. Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS
  7. The Importance of Community Based Programs to Enhance Comprehensive MS Care
  8. Palliative Care in MS
  9. Update on Pediatric MS and Related Disorders
  10. Integrative Medicine: An Essential But Neglected Component of Comprehensive MS Care
  11. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019 (Part 3)
  12. Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
    • The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
    • Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
    • The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
    • Q&A
    • Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
    • The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
    • Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
    • Q&A ¦ Panel
  13. Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
  14. Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS
  15. Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
  16. Sex and MS: How to Help Patients with MS Who Experience Sexual DysfunctionKimberly Castelo, MS, LMFT, CST

Disease Management

  1. Psychopharmacology and MS: Review and Update for Clinicians
  2. Presidential Lecture: Use and Abuse of the McDonald Criteria in MS DiagnosisFred D. Lublin, MD
  3. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 1)
  4. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
  5. Update on Pediatric MS and Related Disorders
  6. Practical Considerations in Relapse Management and Disease Modifying Therapy (DMT) Decision MakingBryan Walker, MHS, PA-C, MSCS; Stephanie Agrella, PhDc, MSN, RN, ANP-BC, MSCN
  7. Basic Immunology for the Non-immunologist
  8. Advanced Immunology for the Non-immunologist
  9. Platform Presentations: Disease Modifying Therapy
  10. Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
  11. Beyond the PI: Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs), Monitoring and Management

Neuroscience / Environmental Factors

  1. John F. Kurtzke Memorial Lecture: A Novel Subtype of Multiple SclerosisBruce D. Trapp, PhD
  2. Whitaker Platform Presentations
  3. Mechanisms of Disease Pathogenesis in MS
  4. Presidential Lecture: Use and Abuse of the McDonald Criteria in MS DiagnosisFred D. Lublin, MD
  5. Understanding the Mechanism of Action of B-cell Depleting Drugs: What Does that Reveal about the Role of B-cells in MS?
  6. Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders: Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management
  7. The Future of MS Imaging
  8. John Whitaker Memorial Lecture: Therapeutic Exploitation of Crosstalk Between the Immune and Nervous SystemsFrauke Zipp, MD
  9. Whitaker Track Invited Lectures
  10. Genetic Risk
  11. Basic Immunology for the Non-immunologist
  12. Advanced Immunology for the Non-immunologist


  1. Challenges and Considerations with Infusible TherapiesAll Presentations
    • Introduction ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
    • Pre-infusion Preparation ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS
    • Infusions and Maintenance of Therapies ¦ Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
    • Case Studies ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
  2. Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
  3. Update on Communication Skills: Using New Tools in Conversations with Patients

Psychosocial: Cognition, Depression

  1. Managing Fatigue and Sleep Disorders in People with MSAll Presentations
    • Invisible Symptoms: Prevalence Statistics of Fatigue and Sleep Disorders in MS ¦ Amy Sullivan, PsyD, ABPP
    • Modifying Empirically Validated Sleep Interventions for the MS Population ¦  Michelle Drerup, PsyD, DBSM
    • Research and Outcome Data on Treatment of Insomnia in the MS Population ¦  Catherine Siengsukon, PT, PhD
    • Ask the Experts ¦ Panel
  2. Whitaker Platform Presentations
  3. Psychopharmacology and MS: Review and Update for Clinicians
  4. Utilizing the Power of the Arts in MS Care: Everyone BenefitsAll Presentations
  5. Affective Disorders and Personality Changes in MS
  6. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
  7. Supporting and Caring For Each Other While Living with MS: The Support Partners’ PerspectiveAll Presentations
    • Introductions and Orientation to Session ¦ Deborah Miller, PhD, LISW
    • Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 1: Teen with MS and Mother ¦ Rosalind Kalb, PhD
    • Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 2: Newly Diagnosed Couple ¦ Matthew Sacco, PhD
    • Presentation and Discussion of Vignette 3: Older Couple ¦ Lucille Carriere, PhD
  8. Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
    • The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
    • Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
    • The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
    • Q&A
    • Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
    • The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
    • Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
    • Q&A ¦ Panel
  9. Managing the Suicidal Patient in Your Clinic: Red Flags, Ethical Considerations & Emotional AftermathAll Presentations
    • What We Know about Depression and Suicide in MS and their Impact on Individuals and their Families ¦ Rosalind Kalb, PhD
    • Before & After: Recognizing Red Flags, Dealing with the Aftermath ¦ Mary Alissa Willis, MD
    • Managing the Suicidal Patient in a Private Practice Setting: Legal and Ethical Considerations ¦ Amanda Rohrig, PT; Lauren R. Sankary, JD, MA
    • Interdisciplinary Discussion of Suicide-related Challenges ¦ Panel
  10. Platform Presentations: Psychosocial: Cognition, Depression
  11. Case Studies in Cognition in MSJeffrey Wilken, PhD; Lori Ann Kostich, MS, CCC-SLP
  12. Treatment Adherence in MS: Identifying Suboptimal Adherence and Strategies for Improving Appointment Attendance and Medication Self-Management
  13. Sex and MS: How to Help Patients with MS Who Experience Sexual DysfunctionKimberly Castelo, MS, LMFT, CST


  1. Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 1)
  2. Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 2)
  3. Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 3)
  4. Platform Presentations: Rehabilitation
  5. New Developments in MS Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation (VA MSCoE)All Presentations
    • Introduction ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
    • Overview of Existing Telerehabilitation in MS in Current Practice ¦ Mitchell T. Wallin, MD, MPH
    • Novel Applications of Telerehabilitation Technology ¦ Shane Chanpimol, PT, DPT
    • Strategies to Enhance Function in MS through Rehabilitation Intensity, Duration and Timing ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
    • Current Evidence-based Rehabilitation Interventions for Fall Prevention in MS ¦ Michele Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
    • Discussion ¦ Panel


  1. Opening Lecture: Mountains to Climb: The Cause, Treatment and Care of MS in the Pacific NorthwestJames Bowen, MD
  2. Clinical Trials and Technology: What We Know, What is Coming?
  3. The Evolving Research Landscape: Understanding, Designing, and Analyzing Studies in Multiple SclerosisAll Presentations
    • Introduction to Clinical Research: When, Why, and How ¦  Kavita Nair, PhD
    • Understanding and Interpreting Clinical Trial Design in Multiple Sclerosis ¦  Enrique Alvarez, MD, PhD
    • Real World Observational Studies in Multiple Sclerosis ¦  Carrie Hersh, DO, MSc
    • Q&A ¦  Panel
  4. Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 2)

Skills Development

  1. Interventions for Success at Work: Research to Application
  2. Challenges and Considerations with Infusible TherapiesAll Presentations
    • Introduction ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
    • Pre-infusion Preparation ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS
    • Infusions and Maintenance of Therapies ¦ Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
    • Case Studies ¦ Colleen Harris, MN, NP, MSCN, MSCS; Denise Bruen, MSN, APRN-BC, MSCN
  3. Update on Communication Skills: Using New Tools in Conversations with Patients

Symptomatic Management

  1. Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain in MS PatientsDavid Brandes, MS, MD, FAAN, MSC
  2. An MS Health Professional’s Guide to Cannabis Allen C. Bowling, MD, PhD
    • History, Botany, Pharmacology
    • Efficacy and Safety
    • Drug Interactions and Special Considerations
    • The Critical Role of MS Health Professionals
  3. Multidisciplinary Management of Chronic Pain in MS
  4. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
  5. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019 (Part 3)
  6. Complex Symptoms in MS: Assessment and Management Strategies
    • Welcome and Overview ¦ Kathleen Costello, MS, ANP-BC, MSCN
    • Balance Issues in MS ¦ Jeffrey Hebert, PhD, PT
    • Spasticity and MS ¦ Susan Bennett, PT, DPT, EdD, NCS, MSCS
    • Visual Disturbances ¦ Robert K. Shin, MD
    • Q&A ¦ Panel
  7. Mental Health Care Delivery Models for Patients with MS
    • The Current Landscape: Individuals with MS Need Better Access to Mental Health Services ¦ Sarah Minden, MD
    • Collaborative Care Model in Mental Health: Description, Components, and Review of its Evidence ¦ Jane Erb, MD
    • The Neurologist Perspective – Mental Health Needs of MS Patients and Role of the Neurologist ¦ Maria K. Houtchens, MD, MMsci
    • Q&A
    • Can the Collaborative Care Model Address the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with MS? Challenges and Opportunities ¦ Laura T. Safar, MD
    • The Social Worker Perspective – Care Management for MS Patients: Current Models and Future Developments ¦ Elizabeth Misasi, LICSW
    • Panel Discussion – Professional Adaptation and Role Changes in New Models ¦ Panel
    • Q&A ¦ Panel
  8. Platform Presentations: Disease Assessment and Management
  9. Beyond the PI: Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs), Monitoring and Management

Technological Advances

  1. Whitaker Platform Presentations
  2. Clinical Trials and Technology: What We Know, What is Coming?
  3. The Future of MS Imaging
  4. Current Topics and Trends in MS Rehabilitation (Part 3)
  5. New Technology in MS
  6. New Developments in MS Rehabilitation and Telerehabilitation (VA MSCoE)All Presentations
    • Introduction ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
    • Overview of Existing Telerehabilitation in MS in Current Practice ¦ Mitchell T. Wallin, MD, MPH
    • Novel Applications of Telerehabilitation Technology ¦ Shane Chanpimol, PT, DPT
    • Strategies to Enhance Function in MS through Rehabilitation Intensity, Duration and Timing ¦ Jodie Haselkorn, MD, MPH
    • Current Evidence-based Rehabilitation Interventions for Fall Prevention in MS ¦ Michele Cameron, MD, PT, MCR
    • Discussion ¦ Panel


  1. Improving the Health and Wellness of People with Advanced MS through Community Partnerships
  2. The Importance of Community Based Programs to Enhance Comprehensive MS Care
  3. Fundamentals of Multiple Sclerosis Care 2019: Identifying the Disease and Managing the Course (Part 2)
  4. Integrative Medicine: An Essential But Neglected Component of Comprehensive MS Care
  5. Leveraging Multidisciplinary Care to Enhance Wellness in Individuals with MS